
Upcoming Events

Past Events


D-BSSE welcome Apéro was a success! Impressive turnout, fruitful scientific discussions and lots of fun hanging-out with our soon-to-be neighbours.

Looking forward to more interactions in the near future!

On the 1st October 2021, the Biozentrum celebrated its 50th Birthday! It also felt like a welcoming party to our new scientific home, the New Biozentrum building. The Postdoc Society and the PhD representatives organised a photo booth, games and an after-party with a live DJ!

Our first in-person event of the year 2021! We inaugurated the Science Lounge with a Science-themed Pictionary Game, food and drinks. More of these to come in the near future!

Karst Hike
Hike through the karst cave from Zwingen to Grellingen.
Best Postdoc Paper of the Year Competition 2020
We are pleased to award the prize for the best postdoc paper of the year to Ahilya Sawh!
To read her work, entitled Lamina-Dependent Stretching and Unconventional Chromosome Compartments in Early C. elegans Embryos

The Award winner was announced at the BZ Symposium, which this year took place virtually!


We are happy that we still managed to organise a few outdoor events this Summer, to bring together the Postdoc community!

Best Postdoc Paper of the Year Competition 2019
We are pleased to award the prize for the best postdoc paper of the year to Benoit-Joseph Laventie!
To read his work, entitled A Surface-Induced Asymmetric Program Promotes Tissue Colonization by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 